Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Real-Time Operating System

(Real Time) is an immediate or real time. Immediate results are displayed in real-time manner. Each real-time operating system network high-speed telecommunications lines are associated with one or more central processors. At the same time, we can continue to work on more than one terminal. Aviation, railway ticket booking, etc., etc. In the case of air traffic control is essential to real-time operating system. Passenger airline or rail tickets come bukinye will say yes or no with or necessary to the course of action to be taken. Being the most important cases of air traffic control. Bandaragulote busy every minute of the aircraft is landing aircraft, the aircraft could be raised from the airport. The rise - is appropriate, schedule and control the movement and the real-time operating system using computer. In the case of a large disaster occurs in real time to determine if a change is fear. Without the heat, pressure and air pressure, etc. to control the use of real-time operating system is important too. Suppose a factory has a room temperature control for sensor placement. Atha heat of the moment in the sensor cells - move the heat is transmitted to the computer and immediately take the necessary measures and stay alert level is indicated. Room temperature to a certain limit, the data output is not shown with the computer, the cell can be destroyed existing materials and pressure equipment. Similarly, real-time system is essential to control the pressure inside the aircraft. If the air pressure is not available in every moment, with the air pressure becomes less or more passengers, death may occur.

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