Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Batch processing operating system

Batch processing of the user's terminal operating system information is stored in a specific memory reserves. After a certain time, processing data stored once (In a batch) begins and ends. - Such as bank counters throughout the day of the transaction data is accumulated in the terminal, the computer memory is helpful. Once all the data processing unit is sent to the office at the time. Processing unit that processes data periodically. Serial Processing of the batch processing systems, (Sequential) processing, off-line (Off-line) processing and piled work (Stacked Job) is referred to as processing. This batch processing system to process a lot of work sanjne bilambajanita occurs. Agradhikaramuloka much important work to get results is to wait for the outcome. Scope of work is expanding quickly realized that the problem tends to be more. Interactive operating system in order to solve the problems arising out of (Interactive Operating System) is introduced. However, there is still the need for batch processing operating system. There are some jobs which are especially useful for batch processing operating systems. Especially in the case of bank management. The same can be used with the interactive operating system. For example - account holders of checks, deposit amount, said the latest interactive process tasks etc. (Interactive System), and all types of deposits and other transactions will be handled batch processing. Banks, insurance, etc. applies to the big department stores.

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